All I want for Christmas

Mia lost 2 teeth in one day!

Christmas on Main Street

We had to post this video because it was hilarious. I caught Mia practicing all the songs for their Christmas performance. This clip is of a solo she's not even singing but obviously had memorized from the girl who was singing it.

Mia's Ice Skating Party

Tree Decorating Day

Our 8th year cutting down our tree from the same farm. With twin 10 year olds and a little 7 year old princess, this year it started out joyful and then all chaos broke out.
"I'm done"
"Austin took my ornament"
"Can I go play Xbox now"
"This is boring"
"Why do we have to do this"
So on and so on. Regardless it got done.

Mia turns 7

Here's a few pictures of Mia's Birthday. Our little girl is getting too big, too fast

We've taken pictures of Mia in this chair on her birthday every year. Crazy to see that her feet hang down them now.

Waking up to presents on her big day.

Halloween 2009

Here are just a couple of pictures during our church's Harvest party. Didn't do to much trick or treating since Mr. H1N1 was a guest in our home for over a week. Mia had it for about a day, Payton had it for 4 days and Austin had it the worst at 6 days including an ear infection that burst his eardrum and cojuntivitis. This is definitely one of the more memorable Halloween weeks for the Goltiao's.

Sorry for the delay!

We haven't updated since January. Here's a few snapshots of what's been going on with the Goltiao's up here in Oregon.

Stylin' Boots - Fall Fashion

Shannon and Kerri with their matching casts. Both have stress fractures on the same foot on the same spot - CRAZY!

Sunriver Fall 09

We surprised the kids and took them out of school. We spent a few days at our favorite place - Sunriver. Rode bikes and went geocaching.

Here's our first find!

Mom/Dad can we pleeeeeeease hav a pet?

The kids have been begging for a pet so bad. This is the neighbor's kitten. They kidnap this kitten everytime it shows up outside.

1st Day of School 2009

First day of school.
Mia - 1st Grade (wow - school all day).
Austin and Payton - 5th Grade (wow - last year of elementary school and then off to middle school next year).

Still just as crazy. These twins haven't changed.

Leaving A Legacy

This past September, Darryl's grandpa past away at the age of 95. Grandpa finished strong and never missed an opportunity to share Christ with every person he ran into. All 9 of his children and 26 of his grandchildren all know the Lord.

Darryl and his brothers - Matt and Stephen.

Seaside Camping at KOA

We took a mini trip to Seaside with our cousins and a couple friends - Melschau's and Blair's.

The girls getting ready for the dog parade - huge participation - 2 dogs!

Spa Day with Mom

Mia before getting her ears pierced.

Mia after getting her ear pierced. Mom said it wouldn't hurt!


4th of July at Sunriver with our sweet friends from Cali/TMC. The White's, Kostjuk's, and Waldeck's.

The Girls!

Spring Soccer 09

The boys during Spring soccer. We're at it again this fall too.

Our next author!!!

Mia at the writing festival. She was one of just a few students picked from each school to receive this award.

Home Depot Kid's Clinic

Darryl took Mia on her first Home Depot date. She now is a regular at these clinics. I think she will be our next HGTV design star.

Snowboarding 09

All the boys went on a ski trip.

Brenden, Austin, Payton, and Parker at boarding school.

Boarding school.

Check out the blue skies in the background. It was spring-like conditions. There was an inversion that day. 37 down at the base and over 50 up top.

Aaron and Wyatt cruising down the mountain.