All I want for Christmas

Mia lost 2 teeth in one day!

Christmas on Main Street

We had to post this video because it was hilarious. I caught Mia practicing all the songs for their Christmas performance. This clip is of a solo she's not even singing but obviously had memorized from the girl who was singing it.

Mia's Ice Skating Party

Tree Decorating Day

Our 8th year cutting down our tree from the same farm. With twin 10 year olds and a little 7 year old princess, this year it started out joyful and then all chaos broke out.
"I'm done"
"Austin took my ornament"
"Can I go play Xbox now"
"This is boring"
"Why do we have to do this"
So on and so on. Regardless it got done.

Mia turns 7

Here's a few pictures of Mia's Birthday. Our little girl is getting too big, too fast

We've taken pictures of Mia in this chair on her birthday every year. Crazy to see that her feet hang down them now.

Waking up to presents on her big day.